
Susan has no formal Art Education and is a late developer. From 1987 she was an on, off, sketcher until a chance meeting with a foreign artist, suggested she bought colour into her work. She was one of the Artist in residence at The Pavilions Shopping Centre in Uxbridge for 18 months and moved on to private and public workshops on a regular basis. Sue shows her work on a regular basis at Galleries.
Susan Say’s:-
“I aim to create a picture with a vision and a location statement, of moods in People and Animals, Airborne Aircraft, and more recently moody City and People scenes with Landscape back-drops. Hopefully achieving atmosphere, movement and sensations.
Using Pastels makes it easier ( for me ) to layer colour until it feels right.
I am continually learning, and for my inspiration, sometimes use part or whole of pictures from past or present famous artists or photographers. I utilise as a guide techniques related to structure, the value of light and shade, colour, temperature, second light, also refining and balancing composition. And I find my learning curve more than fascinating”.

James Newton of Launch Pad said:-“Susan has a strong style with a sure touch.”

Sue was in South Africa on The Western Cape for two months in September and October 2014. On latest work page are the first two of a series of pastels depicting her observations of wild life.



Website design by David Williams